Procurement Review Written Submission
Over the last 4 months, the NWT Chamber has been engaging its membership, the general business community, and Procurement Panel discussing the 10 questions raised in the Executive Summary. We have fielded several written submissions, businesses in regards to their opinions on the 10 questions and their experiences with the current procurement process. We also took the opportunity to speak with the Procurement Panel twice during this time.
Thank you for this opportunity to allow the NWT Chamber of Commerce to provide feedback to the Procurement Panel regarding the Procurement Review. The NWT Chamber of Commerce is the largest and most broadly-based business organization North of 60, with representation from every NWT region. Working in association with the network of community chambers in Norman Wells, Fort Simpson, Hay River, Thebacha, and Yellowknife, the NWT Chamber represents members' interests across the NWT. For over 45 years, we have been the only pan-territorial voice of businesses across all sectors of the northern economy.
Government Procurement, whether it is the content of the tender document, the application of BIP, the evaluation criteria, and process, is one of the most addressed topics from our members. We applaud the Panel for taking on this very contentious topic and attempting to find a balance between supporting and growing the NWT business community as a whole and being responsible with the spending of public dollars. We would also like to thank the Panel for allowing the Board to speak with you on two occasions, February 17, 2021, and again on April 15, 2021, to share our comments and member's comments on all ten questions listed in the Executive Summary.
Through our conversation regarding all ten questions, there were some common themes that provided the basis for our recommendations. Looking at our discussions and the themes that emerged allowed us to focus on four key questions and one additional topic:
- Question 2: "How can the transparency of GNWT procurement and contracting data be improved?";
- Question 3: "What constitutes an NWT business?";
- Question 6: "What are your thoughts with respect to the key purpose of BIP and preferential procurement?"; question 8: "What ideas or input do you have with respect to the establishment of a GNWT Indigenous procurement policy?" and
- Finally a lengthy conversation in regards to the downgrade in amount for sole-sourcing of general services that occurred during the review. "
To review the full submission please the link