Membership Benefits
So what value do members get for their money?
In addition to helping the NWT Chamber’s voice be stronger for our advocacy work, our Associate Members also receive direct offerings from the organization and exclusive access to discounts and services.
General Benefits
Member Mondays
The Chamber promotes one member each week on our social media. The Chamber is active on all platforms, promoting good ideas for business and defending the free market when required.
Group emails to members provide timely information and can be purchased to promote a product, service or program. Member price: $50. Non-member price: $80. New members get first EBlast free.
Weekly Newsletter
Dropped into members’ in-boxes each Friday afternoon, the newsletter is features items of interest to the NWT business community. A weekly survey of members on a topical issue is also featured. Advertising space is available, with members receiving a discount.

Chamber Column
A prime opportunity for advocacy, every two weeks, the NWT Chamber is provided space in the territory-wide News/North publication for a column on a topic of interest to the business community and our members. That column is also posted on Northern News Services website.

Member’s also receive a discount for all events organized by the Chamber, such as our Spring AGM; Summer Golf Tournament, and conferences/webinars, Members also have no-cost access to information sessions with government officials
Directory profile
You have complete creative control over your directory listing, gaining access through our Member Login area.

Canadian Chamber

As the NWT Chamber is a member of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, our members have access to that organization’s Essential Business Services.
Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan

The Chambers Plan has been protecting Canadian firms for over 40 years. More than 30,000 SMEs choose the Chambers Plan to protect their employees with comprehensive group benefits, including Health and Dental insurance, making it Canada’s top employee benefits plan for small business.
The Chambers Plan is the simple, stable, smart choice for business; combining accessibility, flexibility and the stability of pooled benefits. Firms choose the Chambers Plan year after year because it offers unsurpassed value and customer service.
For more information please contact our NWT representative in Yellowknife, Corol Sunberg (867) 444-0323.
M2M/B2B Discounts
The following businesses offer discounts to NWT Chamber members. We will be expanding these offerings this year, so If you would like to include your product or service on this list, contact the Executive Director.

Canarctic Graphics
10% off for all NWT Chamber members
To redeem, contact Sean Cowell, call (867) 873-5924

$1000 off home solar systems, $1000 off home battery back-up systems or $2500 off if you purchase both. Large volume business discounts also available. To redeem, contact Drew Cameron, call (867) 444-3800.

Aurora Coupons
Aurora coupons is an NWT Digital coupon app directory. By downloading Aurora Coupons App, you will get all the best deals, promotions, and information about local businesses all in one place. With Aurora Coupons, you'll save time and money while supporting local businesses right in your backyard! Contact the company for discounts details for Chamber members.